Python data analyst

Ref No: 119/2022

Job description

For the research group The Fiducial Ocean and Land Earth Observation (FOLEO) group in the Knowledge for Sustainable Development and Food Security Unit in the EC-JRC, the European Union Joint Research Centre, in Ispra, a new open position as external consultant is available.

Requested skills

  • Python programming
  • Earth Observation basis and products knowledge
  • knowledge of data analysis and statistical techniques
  • Linux knowledge
  • IDL programming (asset)
  • C/C++/Fortran programming (asset)

In case one or more ideal characteristics are lacking from your CV, we encourage to apply anyway for this position.

–EU residency/citizenship requested–

Requested skills


Earth observation basis

Statistics data analysis

Linux knowledge


Freelance / Employee


JRC Ispra, Italy

Job type

Remote Sensing data analyst


Bachelor degree


3+ Years



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